What could be more striking then the combination of fiery passion of red roses, elegant purity of the white ones and the sweet chocolate taste? This gift will open the door to her heart.
The gift contains:
2 Fiery Red Roses,
1 White Rose,
1 Box of Chocolate Merci Finest Selection 250g.
All our flowers come elegantly wrapped in a delicate sleeve and are carefully hand packed in an attractive gift box. All our flowers are fresh cut the day of the delivery.
You can select a flower vase during the checkout process
Price : 0€
Ce poate fi mai surprinzator decat combinatia dintre pasiunea aprinsa a trandafirilor rosii, puritatea eleganta a celor albi si finetea dulce a ciocolatei cu praline? Acest cadou iti va deschide usa spre o inima persoanei iubite.
Cadoul contine:
2 Trandafiri Rosu Aprins,
1 Trandafir Alb,
1 Cutie Ciocolata Merci Finest Selection 250g.
Toate buchetele de flori sunt aranjate elegant intr-o folie speciala si sunt ambalate cu grija intr-o cutie cadou. Florile sunt culese doar inainte de livrare, pentru o viata cat mai indelungata.
Puteti selecta o vaza pentru flori in cadrul procesului de checkout. |